Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meeting the Parents....

So last weekend was a monumental one considering i brought a boy home with me.  An actual boy reader!

I had been hiding him away for a year.  Bless my parents; they saw the pictures, they laughed at the stories, they even waved and smiled like loons when a video chat with boyfriend was interrupted over Christmas.  But alas, they hadn't met the man himself.  It didn't help either that I was practically a part of the furniture at his place - his mother and I were swapping cooking tips the weekend before no less. 

So when it turned out he had a football-free window in his calendar last weekend; I pounced.  I made sure I booked my parents in for some 'pally time' and dragged the poor fella up the road for a couple of days of smiling politely and accepting endless offers of food.

In the end, I had nothing to worry about; my father was ready to offer my hand in marriage as soon as they both sat down to watch 22 men chasing a ball, shaking their fists at the screen every now and then.  Mother was charmed when she was presented by a box of chocolates on arrival and promptly gave me a not-so-subtle thumbs up followed by a wink.  It was actually the dog that turned out to be the one he underestimated; even chicken-flavoured bribes wouldn't suffice as she kept eyeing him up, looking for the most exposed part of his body to lynch on when the opportunity arised.

At one point in the weekend we gathered around to watch an episode of 'Hands On'. This is a TV programme for the deaf, rather like those programmes that you see when you switch on the box just as you stumble in from the pub at some unreasonable hour.  I had already shamed myself on screen before Christmas with my stint on the programme but of course, they were having a 'best of' special that meant I had to relive the whole sorry thing again, with 7 extra pairs of eyes in the room with me.


Don't get me wrong,  'Hands On' is great, but me? I'm still learning how to sign. If you saw me talk to one of my fellow deafies you would most likely see my hands flapping about madly in every which direction; think 'directing-traffic-in-central-Mumbai-rush-hour-traffic' style and you're pretty much there.  You can see for yourself at 7:38 mins below, but Lord knows the vid itself may disappear in order to help my face go back to its original colour.


The Shape said...

Yeah...first time meeting parents is scary. I decided to get it out of the way early and brought my girlfriend home after 1 month! She's Spanish and I'm off to Spain now to meet hers...I don't speak Spanish and they don't speak English...should be interesting haha.

gazingraspberries said...

One month?! You must have known she was gona be around for a while lad! As for the langauge barrier, at least you have an excuse for not having to constantly regale them with jokes and random facts of the world. I dare say if you make exagerated 'hmmmmm's when eating the mother's food and making sure you open doors and the like to display your gentlemanly credentials to the father, you'll get that tick of approval!

The Shape said...

Yes...we knew from one month...mad I know but true.

Yeah I figured I can't say anything stupid!

Karin said...

There is nothing scarier than meeting the parents! Fair play to him for the box of chocolates, brownie points.. ;-) I was dead nervous meeting his, mostly because they all live, breath, and sleep GAA and I still don't know why there are two sets of points for each team on the scoreboard...

gazingraspberries said...

@Karin - I take it that you came away enlightened from your little visit? Actually, why are there two sets of points for each team on the scoreboard...?!

Anonymous said...

You were so good in that video! Obviously I know nothing about sign language, but I would've thought you were just as good as all the rest!

Also glad the Meet the Parents thing went well!

gazingraspberries said...

Cheers Hermia, no need to be an expert, i will accept your compliment anyway ;) Congrats on your nominations dearest!

afu said...

Congrats on your nominations dearest!

afu said...

Congrats on your nominations dearest!

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