Friday, August 20, 2010

Big news lads, I'm going on holiday with a boy.  Yes, a BOY!!  I will leave a pause here for my dear readers to contemplate this revelation.......

........all good? OK great.  So yeah, Joey earned himself a truckload of boyfriend points today when he had a "what the hell" moment and booked a flight for the two of us to somewhere faraway and fabulous.  Have already been placing bets with Picardo, Stevenson and others as to where I will be on 23rd September (dun dun duuuuuuuunnnn!) but my money is on somewhere beginning with 'K' or 'R' or 'P'.  Yes, thats a legit bet dammit. I'm so excited i may have done a little dance while no-one was watching.


binx said...

My money is still on

Mise! said...

I would place a bet but then again i already know where you are going so that wouldnt be very fair after all!!!!