Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my Tuesday

...i'm moving up in the google world, sent my first email to a customer today - can i get a whoop whoop?! it took me 1.5hours to perfect, but who's counting?! Fpund myself wishing i had a smaller, close-knit team...its a bit testing at times when you can't really get to know any one person really well. Doesn't help that there is so many people coming and going all the time also - gah! Gotta persevere though...i can take heart in the fact that i have made lots of good friends so far and theres no reason why i can't do the same here at work. Team night out on Thurs which will be a massive challenge but one that i probably need. Struggling a lil with the awl faith also, don't have the same fire i used to and it worries me ever so slightly. What a bleak blog! Oh! kirsty scored a job today off my dad...so strange to think of my best mate and my dad sharing the same office! scary biscuits! oh i want a biscuit. need to excercise, mon derriere is spreading out at unspeakable angles. Roll on October - my fun activity filled month of sign language, football, role-modelling, concerts and (fingers crossed) Alton Towers.

R x

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Some snazzy photos to jazz up the blog (...my poor neglected blog!) of my first ever night out with Googlers in Temple Bar (we're such tourists!) 'Twas a merry night of pear cider, crepes and Rafael's hip swinging...what a lovely bunch.
Tonight sees my first official team night out to the dogs...i'll probably be too busy scoffing the finger food and commenting on how malnourished the poor dogs look to open my purse and indulge in a bit of (gasp!) gambling...should be interesting!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

back from sick leave...have left the kidney and chest infection in Norn Iron. On a brighter note...i had potato bread for breakfast, and brownies for lunch (i heart the Google chefs, they know me so well). also bumped into one of my interviewers today...that was one face i didn't think i'd be seeing again!

anyhoo...hometime is here, wahey!